
Question: Who is steering the project?


Answer: This is a tough question, but we should say each participant of Porta Rubra for LGBT@UT assumes a certain role in the project. However, there are a few coordinators in charge of maintaining this website, organizing events and other miscellaneous duties. If you contact us, one of those coordinators will respond to your message. Please refer to our regulations for details about the steering body.

Question: Is anybody who is LGBT from the UT community eligible to participate?


Answer: Exactly. Any LGBT alumni, students and faculty/staff members can participate in this project. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested. In case of harassment between members, the coordinator may, in response, intervene and suspend the eligibility of the harasser after giving a verbal warning. Fortunately, we have never experienced such cases as yet.

Question: I have not come out as an LGBT. Should I enroll with my full name?

回答:いいえ。仮名(ニックネーム)あるいはお名前の一部(苗字か下の名前)などを教えていただければ結構です。また、頂戴した個人情報の管理にはコーディネイターにより厳重な注意が払われています。ただし、Porta Rubra for LGBT@UTは、基本的にイベントの参加者が全て東京大学関係者であり、オンラインではプライバシー保護の観点からニックネームを使用していても、オフラインのイベントではコーディネーターを含め実名で参加しているケースが少なくありません。

Answer: No, you do not have to disclose your full name. All we need to know is how to identify you in our event, and please feel free to use your nickname or part of your name (either surname or given name). Moreover, the coordinators pay much attention to your personal information. Nevertheless, since every participant in the events of Porta Rubra for LGBT@UT is from the community of the University of Tokyo, most participants (including the coordinators) agree to identify themselves by their real name in our offline events, while using their alias or nickname online in order to protect their privacy.

質問:Porta Rubra for LGBT@UTは東大の学生団体・サークルですか?
Question: Is Porta Rubra for LGBT@UT one of the student groups of the University of Tokyo?

回答:学生団体・サークルとして大学から公認を受けるためには本部学生支援課へ名称、代表者及び顧問教員を届ける手続きが必要です。Porta Rubra for LGBT@UTは東京大学のLGBTである卒業生・学生・教職員であれば自由に参加できるプロジェクトですので、該当する登録手続きがありません。

Answer: A student group should register its name, leader, and advisory faculty member to the university's Student Support Office in order to be officially recognized by the university. Porta Rubra for LGBT@UT is a project in which all LGBT students, faculty, staff and alumni from the UT community are able to participate, and no registration procedure is required by the University of Tokyo.

質問:Porta Rubra for LGBT@UTは同窓会ですか?
Question: Is Porta Rubra for LGBT@UT an alumni association?

回答:Porta Rubra for LGBT@UTは卒業生に特化した団体ではなく、学生の参加者も多くいます。しかしながら、相当数の卒業生が参加してきており、実質的にLGBTのための同窓会としての機能を担っていると考えることはできます。東京大学には「東大アラムナイ/東京大学校友会」というゆるやかな連合同窓会組織があり、Porta Rubra for LGBT@UTが2015年6月現在唯一のLGBT同窓会組織として登録されています。

Answer: Porta Rubra for LGBT@UT does not only serve LGBT alumuni, since a number of students regularly participate in our activities. Nevertheless, since a majority of participants are alumni, we virtually assume a role as the university's alumni association for LGBT people. The University of Tokyo has an organization called "Todai Alumni" , which loosely brings together UT's various alumni associations. Porta Rubra for LGBT@UT has been registered as the only LGBT alumni association as of June, 2015.

質問:Porta Rubra for LGBT@UTは政治的な目的を持った団体ですか?
Question: Is Porta Rubra for LGBT@UT committed to any political aim?

回答:いいえ。Porta Rubra for LGBT@UTは特定の政治的目的は持たず、また特定の政治活動とも連携していません。また、参加されるLGBTの方の個人としての思想・信条に組織として干渉することもありません。唯一目的があるとすれば、それはみなさんが人生を最大限に楽しむお手伝いをすることに他なりません。

Answer: No. Porta Rubra for LGBT@UT is not committed to specific political causes and not affiliated with particular political activities. Also, we as an organization do not interfere with personal thoughts and beliefs of each individual LGBT participant. Our only goal is to help everybody enjoy his or her life to the best possible way.

質問:Porta Rubra(ぽるた・るぶら)とはどういう意味ですか?
Question: What does Porta Rubra mean?


Answer: It means AKAMON (literally "red gate") in Latin. Akamon is a red-colored gate in the UT's Hongo Campus, which was built in 1827. Akamon is one of the symbol of the UT, and it is listed as one of Japan's important cultural properties owing to its historical value.

Question: What is the stance of the University of Tokyo towards LGBT people?


Answer: The Charter of the University of Tokyo proclaims in its preface that ”[the university] guarantees no discrimination based on nationality, gender, age, language, religion, political or other reasons, origin, property, lineage, marital status, position within the household, handicaps, ailments, career, etc.”. The university's Guidelines for Prevention of Sexual Harassment also stipulate that "All the members will refrain from evaluating people based on the stereotype concerning how females and males should behave, which was made in the history of social and cultural activities" and "Recognizing that actions and words of a sexual nature are interpreted differently by different people, all the members will always be attentive to how others are feeling about his or her behaviors". Nevertheless, there is no explicit rule or guideline that deals with sexual orientations.
